Covid update
As we all know, there have been many unprecedented changes in the travel world this year. Initially, our company was founded to support people who have specialized travel needs to reach their dream destinations. We are still committed to global accessibility and safe travel for all. So, we are expanding our services to assist with all aspects of travel to ensure the world starts moving again safely. Whether it’s travel for work, to visit families missed during quarantine, a vacation away from families we quarantined with or just to see this amazing, beautiful world that we share, we are here to help!
To create a safe accessible world, we are expanding our services to include:
1) Assistance with canceling or rescheduling current travel plans.
2) Providing up-to-date travel information from governmental agencies regarding travel to specific states or other countries.
3) Researching current tourist transportation and accommodation information regarding day trips, alternate travel plans and companies that are adhering to the CDC recommended guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
4) Assistance finding amazing travel deals that are being offered now as the world opens back up, for example, low prices, flexible travel dates, and flexible cancellation policies.
The world is opening back up again! Let us know how we can help you!